Sprint Review and Retrospective are often confused. The Sprint Review is focused on the Product, Product Improvement, and feedback from Stakeholders/Customers. The Retrospective is focused on improving the team, their process and approach to the work.
The Guide to Effective Agile Retrospectives by Mark Levison – get the free eBook and email learning series here
Meeting Ground Rules Updated
Scrum by Example – Same Old Song in Sprint Retrospective
When to stop holding retrospectives?
Agile Games for Making Retrospectives Interesting
Two Key Things for Sprint Retrospective Facilitation
The Difference Between Data and Metrics
Resource Links:
- 7 Step Agenda for an Effective Retrospective
- 10 Retrospective Formats Based On The Agile Team Effectiveness Model
- 21 Sprint Retrospective Anti-Patterns Impeding Scrum Teams
- A list of techniques not found elsewhere
- Agile Retrospectives as a Tool for Team Learning
- Cynefin helps Agile Retrospectives
- Designing Valuable Agile Retrospectives
- The Flow-Centered Retrospective
- How can active participation in meetings be encouraged?
- How to do a Retrospective using Flow Metrics
- Making Diamonds from your Retrospectives
- No time for Retrospectives?
- Retrium’s Ultimate Guide to Agile Retrospectives
- Retrospectives are Weak – Here is How to Make Them Stronger
- Safety Checks
- Safety Checks How to Run Them
- Six Thinking Hats Retrospective
- Sprint Retrospective – Pattern
- Sprint Retrospective for Remote Teams with Liberating Structures
- The Super Powers Retrospective
- Using Scrum to Improve Scrum – Pattern
- Wasting Your Time in the Scrum Theatre
- Why Good Retros Balance Both Informal and Formal Communication
Distributed Retrospectives
- Can you adapt any activity for a remote retrospective?
- Multi-Site and Distributed Retrospectives
- How we do large scale retrospectives
- Sprint Review and Retrospective in Large Scale Scrum (40 page article)
Retrospective Activities Catalogs
- Retrospective Wiki
- Catalog of Retrospective Activities
- Retromat – Plans for Retrospectives – over 100 activities
- What Did You Say?: The Art of Giving and Receiving Feedback – Charles N. Seashore, Edith Whitfield Seashore, Gerald M. Weinberg
- The Retrospective Handbook – Patrick Kua
- Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great – Esther Derby, Diana Larsen
- FunRetrospectives: activities and ideas for making agile retrospectives more engaging by Taina Caetano and Paulo Caroli
- Fifty Quick Ideas To Improve Your Retrospectives by Ben Williams and Tom Roden
- Retrospectives for everyone – Powerful metaphors for effective retrospectives – Madhavi Ledalla
See Also:
Improvement Experiments
Metrics and Measurement
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