World’s Largest Opinionated Agile Reference Library. The content is created and the links are curated through the lens of Agile Pain Relief Consulting’s view of what is effective in the practice of Scrum and Agile. We don’t accept submissions, and emails to that effect are marked as spam. Book listings may use affiliate links that could result in a small commission received by us if you purchase, but they do not affect the price at all. From experience, this won’t amount to anything more than a cup of coffee in a year.
We’re always looking for all things Agile. As a result, we’ve amassed a large collection of information covering lots of practical topics, techniques, tips, and case studies which we believe may help you toward your Scrum/Agile goals. They have been curated and organized into one spot, to share with you to help you on your Agile journey. We routinely scan for broken links, but if you spot one before we do, please let us know.
- Effective TeamsCalling a group of individuals a "team" is only a label, unless they're organized and empowered with distinct characteristics to allow them to function(...)
- Emergent ArchitectureAgile Architecture emphasizes the minimum amount of design upfront, and focusing on building something and evolving the architecture as our understanding(...)
- Empathy MapEmpathy Maps are a tool to help us record what we understand about our audience. The maps prompt the team to answer questions about what the users do,(...)
- Engineering PracticesIn my workshops, I often have people who are focused on the question: “How can I help my team go faster?”, or “How can we deliver this Product sooner?”(...)
- Ensemble (formerly Mob) ProgrammingEnsemble Programming (formerly known as Mob Programming) is the logical extension of Pair Programming. The entire team work together to deliver a single(...)
- EstimationAn estimate is a qualified guess to help people make a decision about doing work. In the Agile world, one approach to estimation has become prevalent: the(...)
- Evolutionary ArchitectureAgile Architecture emphasizes the minimum amount of design upfront, and focusing on building something and evolving the architecture as our understanding(...)
- Extreme ProgrammingResource Links: Extreme Programming What is Extreme Programming? EXTREME PROGRAMMING BOOKS Extreme Programming Installed – Ron Jeffries,(...)