World’s Largest Opinionated Agile Reference Library. The content is created and the links are curated through the lens of Agile Pain Relief Consulting’s view of what is effective in the practice of Scrum and Agile. We don’t accept submissions, and emails to that effect are marked as spam. Book listings may use affiliate links that could result in a small commission received by us if you purchase, but they do not affect the price at all. From experience, this won’t amount to anything more than a cup of coffee in a year.
We’re always looking for all things Agile. As a result, we’ve amassed a large collection of information covering lots of practical topics, techniques, tips, and case studies which we believe may help you toward your Scrum/Agile goals. They have been curated and organized into one spot, to share with you to help you on your Agile journey. We routinely scan for broken links, but if you spot one before we do, please let us know.
- Daily ScrumThe Daily Scrum is the daily meeting where the Scrum Team get ready to collaborate for the day, and check if they’re still on track to complete their goal(...)
- Daily StandupThe Daily Scrum is the daily meeting where the Scrum Team get ready to collaborate for the day, and check if they’re still on track to complete their goal(...)
- Dark AgileAgile's success is also its Achilles heel. Everyone wants to do Agile, but not everyone wants to make any changes to be Agile. There is a lot of focus on(...)
- Dark ScrumAgile's success is also its Achilles heel. Everyone wants to do Agile, but not everyone wants to make any changes to be Agile. There is a lot of focus on(...)
- Decision Making ToolsAgile Teams need to make small decisions frequently. Many teams experiment with majority rules and quickly discover that it's a way to ensure a few team(...)
- Dedicated Team MembershipPeople should be dedicated to one and only one team. The science of team work shows this over and over again. Yet, on occasion, we’re stuck when we have(...)
- DefectsResource Links: 0 Bugs Policy The #1 bug predictor is not technical, it's organizational complexity Bug Prediction Tool from Google Bug(...)
- Definition of DoneDefinition of Done is the official checklist that Scrum Teams maintain of the qualities they intend their work to achieve. It helps the team assess(...)
- Definition of ReadyDefinition of Ready is an agreement between the Product Owner and the team that describes what state Product Backlog Items (or User Stories) need to be in(...)
- DependenciesResource Links: A lesson in agile: How one team ended dependency delays Agile Organizations Must Address Both Structural and Instantiated(...)
- DevelopersIf you thought that ScrumMaster was a poorly named role in Scrum, check out Developers. In recent years, the ScrumGuide has been making changes to help(...)
- DevOpsDevOps (also now DevSecOps) is the practice of Development working more closely with Operations. Over time, the Developers automate various aspects of(...)
- Distributed TeamsResource Links: 12 ways to improve cross-office collaboration Agile Alternatives for a Geographically Distributed Team Agile in Dispersed or(...)
- DiversityDiversity in Agile helps reduce the risk of problems created through cognitive and other biases, by ensuring the Scrum team has access to a wider range of(...)
- DocumentationAgile Documentation. Is it an oxymoron? The Agile Manifesto says "Working Software over Comprehensive Documentation". It doesn't say no documentation, and(...)
- Dot VotingDot voting is a mechanism to help an Agile team select a single item from many or prioritize among a number of options. It's a remarkably simple tool. We(...)