During the COVID-19 pandemic, we learned the hard way that being on Zoom, or any other video conferencing system, wears us down.
A few things we’ve learned can reduce the harm:
- Breaks between meetings help your brain reset – 5-10 mins
- Breaks need to be away from the computer – step outside; meditate; stretch – no screens
- Make meetings more intentional, effective, and shorter
- Our brains are not designed to see ourselves all day. Turn off the self view in your video tool.
Resource links:
- How to combat Zoom Fatigue
- Four causes of Zoom Fatigue and their Solutions
- Microsoft Research – Your Brain needs a break between meetings
- Work from Home Burnout and Zoom Fatigue are more complex than you think
- “Zoom Fatigue” Disproportionately Affects Women And New Hires
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