The Scrum Team is all of the people needed to get the product built and into the customer’s hands:
- ScrumMaster, who helps the team grow capacity to deliver value
- Product Owner, who manages the vision for what they will be creating
- Developers, who are the cross-functional group of people who will build the Product (e.g. in software development this group usually includes programmers, business analysts, quality assurance, user experience and more).
Scrum By Example – New People on the Team
Resource Links:
- A Day in the Life of a Scrum Team
- A Week in the Life of a Scrum Team
- Adding a New Team Member
- Adding Women Makes Your Group Smarter — The Evidence Keeps Growing
- Agile team evaluation
- Book Review: The Wisdom of Teams
- Characteristics of a Great Scrum Team
- Choose Feature Teams over Component Teams for Agility
- Effective Collaboration: You Don’t Need Superstar Developers
- Empowered Product Teams
- How Different Team Topologies Influence DevOps Culture
- How Women Can Help Build Better Agile Teams
- Leading Teams: Setting the Stage for Great Performances – The Five Keys to Successful Teams
- New People on Your Project
- [Product Owner – Dev. Team] Ladder of Empowerment
- Six Common Misperceptions About Teamwork
- Measuring Team Performance
- The Myth of the Rockstar Programmer
- The New Science of Building Great Teams
- Using rotation to encourage collaboration
- Utilisation and non-core team members
- We fired our top talent. Best decision we ever made
- When does group conflict lead to better performance?
- Why Teams Don’t Work
- The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable – Patrick M. Lencioni
- The Wisdom Of Teams: Creating the High-Performance Organization – Jon Katzenbach
See Also:
Cross-functional Teams
Effective Teams
Psychological Safety
Special Teams
Stable Teams
Team Size
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