Resource Links:
- 20 Product Prioritization Techniques: A Map and Guided Tour
- The 2023 guide to product prioritization + the best frameworks
- An Introduction to Cost of Delay
- Business Value Game (or Poker)
- Collaborative Prioritization Exercise
- Cost of Delay
- How we prioritize feature development at Canny
- Teach Someone to Prioritize Using Psychological Distance
- The Problems with Estimating Business Value
- Use networks to prioritize product features
- Why Feature Voting Creates Poor Products (and what to do instead)
- Wiegers’ Relative Weighting Model
- Buy-a-Feature Game
- How Pandora used the “Buy A Feature Game” to make choices among too many options
- I tried Pandora’s brilliant method for feature prioritization. Here’s what I learned. – This is a variation of the Buy a Feature Game
- Innovation Team, Accuity – Buy A Feature Game (YouTube)
- Setting up the “Buy A Feature” Innovation Game
- How Kano model helps to agile product backlog prioritization
- Kano
- Kano Model Analysis
- Understanding the Kano Model – A Tool for Sophisticated Designers
- Innovation games – Prune the Product Tree
- Prune the Product Tree – user group practice
- Software Feature Prioritization by “Pruning the Product Tree”
I don’t recommend using either MoSCoW or WSJF and so place them last.
*Thank you for visiting the World's Largest Opinionated Agile Reference Library. This content is created and the links are curated through the lens of Agile Pain Relief Consulting's view of what is effective in the practice of Scrum and Agile. We don't accept submissions and emails to that effect are marked as spam. Book listings may use affiliate links that could result in a small commission received by us if you purchase, but they do not affect the price at all. From experience, this won't amount to anything more than a cup of coffee in a year.« Back to Glossary Index