A Persona is a fictional character created to represent a group of users of a product. A persona is based in research of real users, usually discovered through structured interviews. The use of structure interviews helps reduce the cognitive biases of the researcher doing the work.
Resource Links:
- A Template for Writing Great Personas
- Approaches to Creating Personas [PDF warning!] – excerpt from “The User Is Always Right: A Practical Guide to Creating and Using Personas for the Web”
- How Pragmatic Personas Help You Understand Your End-User
- How to Breathe Life Into Personas
- Five Approaches To Creating Lightweight Personas
- Personas: Putting the Focus Back on the User
- Persona “How To & Tools”
- Personas: Why is it important to understand your users?
- Tweaking the Persona – Half Baked
- Why is it important to understand your users?
- Customer Empathy Map – a great pre-cursor before creating personas
- User Is Always Right, The: A Practical Guide to Creating and Using Personas for the Web – Steve Mulder
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