Lean Startup is a way for a group of people with a product idea to test it with the market and gain rapid feedback on whether the world wants what they’re building. “Love the Problem, Not Your Solution” – Ash Maurya. In this approach, the team work to discover their biggest risk, and then run a small experiment to validate their choices. Lean Startup is the source of the badly misunderstood MVP and the mis-used Pivot.
Resource Links:
- Beyond the Basics of Lean Startup
- Find Better Problems Worth Solving with the Customer Forces Canvas
- An Introduction to Lean Canvas
- Lean Start-Up, and How It Almost Killed Our Company
- Why Lean Startup Is Hard In Practice
- Why Lean Canvas vs Business Model Canvas?
Customer Interviews for LeanStartup:
- A Checklist of Lean Startup Customer Development Interview Questions
- How to Interview your Customers
- How to interview your potential customer
- How to Structure (and get the most out of) Customer Development Interviews
- The Lean Startup – Eric Ries – The original book that introduced the idea
- Running Lean – Ash Maurya – The book I recommend to most people as the most practical intro
- Scaling Lean: Mastering the Key Metrics for Startup Growth – Ash Maurya
- Testing Business Ideas: A Field Guide for Rapid Experimentation – David J. Bland – Experiments that fit into the Lean Startup model
See Also:
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