Resource Links:
- 12 ways to improve cross-office collaboration
- Agile Alternatives for a Geographically Distributed Team
- Agile in Dispersed or Distributed Teams
- Building or Maintaining Agility in Geographically Distributed
- Case study: Distributed Scrum Project for Dutch Railways
- Co-located teams versus Remote teams, Key Considerations
- Distributed? Yes. Alone? No.
- Enabling Distributed Agile Teams
- Four Ways Virtual Teams Fail (and How to Fix Them)
- From Chaos to Successful Distributed Agile Teams
- How to Build Strong Relationships in a Remote Team
- How We Do It: Remote Pair Programming
- Laying firm foundations for new distributed teams with 2-2-Go
- Lessons from Successful Remote Culture at Etsy
- Managing Timezones in Geographically Distributed Agile Teams
- Multi-Site and Distributed Retrospectives
- Notes on Distributed Retrospectives
- Remote Interview: Facilitate Distributed Agile Teams with Mark Kilby
- Remote Working – 3 Year Retrospective
- Remotely Agile: The Buddy System
- Start Your Geographically Distributed Projects Right
- Stories of Collaboration in Remote Teams
- Swarming Across Distance
- Telecommuting, Hoteling, and Managing Product Development
- Three Challenges of Distributed Teams
- Tools for Distrubted Agile Retrospectives
- Top Tips for Hosting Effective Remote Retrospectives
- Virtual Group Coaching: How to Improve Group Relationships in Remote Work Settings
- Virtual icebreakers for remote teams
- Virtual Teams are Worse than I Thought
- From Chaos to Successful Distributed Agile Teams – Johanna Rothman and Mark Kilby
- Work Together Anywhere: A Handbook on Working Remotely—Successfully—for Individuals, Teams, and Managers – Lisette Sutherland, Kirsten Janene-Nelson [AMAZON]
- Zapier – The Ultimate Guide to Remote Work (Free Download) – Wade Foster
Remote Teams
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