Scrum in the world of work, allows teams to self-organize around a common goal (Delivering a Product). Scrum in education is about getting kids to self organize in teams to learn and deliver their own school work. Kids who haven’t been molded for years by a traditional hierarchical control system seem like the perfect audience. They learn to be critical thinkers, question authority and explore.
The Agile in Education Compass moves the focus from:
Prescriptive → Iterative
Content → Culture
Evaluation → Visible Feedback & Reflection
Control → Trust
Competition → Collaboration
- Adapting Scrum to Managing a Research Group
- Agile Based Learning: What Is It and How Can It Change Education?
- Agile Research Consortium for Schools – a resource site focused on Agile Schools
- A view into the future – using Scrum as a teaching tool
- Agile in Education
- Agile Schools: How Technology Saves Education (Just Not the Way We Thought it Would) – Steve Peha
- Group Problem Solving and Challenge Based Learning
- Learning Sprint in an Agile Classroom
- Scrum Alliance Grandview Prep
- Scrum For Schools
- Scrum In Schools
- Scrum in Dutch Education
- The Hope School Agile Story (video) and their website: Blueprint
- Using Agile Approaches to Improve Teaching, Learning and Education in Developing Nations
- Using Scrum in the Classroom
See Also:
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