Sales and Marketing are challenged in the same way that software development was over 20 years ago. The work is often split over multiple groups, and individuals may be working on many things at the same time, with several competing deadlines. With all of the challenges the world of Sales and Marketing face, it’s ripe for a change toward being more Agile.
I’ve grouped Sales and Marketing together because many organizations in the Agile world discover that there is no reason for an artificial boundary between the two groups.
Resource Links:
- Agile in Sales
- How Agile Management Helps Sales & Marketing Align
- How Agile Marketing Turned Into Agile Sales And Now Agile Revenue Generation
- Rini van Solingen and Jeff Sutherland’s use of Scrum in Sales
- Scrum for Sales
- Hacking Marketing: Agile Practices to Make Marketing Smarter, Faster, and More Innovative – Scott Brinker
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