Traditional fixed price, fixed outcome contracts don’t fare well in an Agile world. The traditional approach puts the emphasis on getting the details right up front. Agile Contracts acknowledge that it isn’t possible to know everything at the start. They turn the procurement process into an exploration between the customer and the vendor.
Resource Links:
- The 10 contracts for your next Agile software project
- Agile Contracts Primer
- Agile Contract Manifesto
- Agile Gov Handbook – Procurement
- Agile Acquisition and Contracting in Government
- Agile Contracts: InfoQ
- Agile Procurement – Canadian Federal Government Experiment
- Agile Team Meets a Fixed Price Contract
- Contracting for Agile development projects
- I’m Agile But My Contract Isn’t: How to Align Contracts with Agile Software Development Teams
- Lean Agile Procurement Approach
- Published Patterns: Change for Free
- Published Patterns: Money for Nothing
- SwissCasinos – Is it possible to source an ERP System in just 4 Weeks? — Lean Agile Procurement
- Agile Contracts: Creating and Managing Successful Projects with Scrum – Andreas Opelt, Boris Gloger, Wolfgang Pfarl, Ralf Mittermayr
- Ten Agile Contracts – Getting Beyond Fixed-Price, Fixed-Scope – Peter Stevens
- Valuing Agile: The Financial Management of Agile Projects – Alan Moran
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