Business Intelligence (aka BI) is the dark art of extracting knowledge from a database in a way that humans can understand it. Agile Business Intelligence is the art of building the client’s BI tools in an iterative and incremental fashion. Since BI work is usually done on top of a DataWarehouse and requires a chunk of upfront design, it is often assumed that we can’t have Agile BI.
Resource Links:
… from the people who have done it
- Agile Big Data Analytics: The Art of the Possible
- Agile ERP: “You don’t know what you’ve got ‘till it’s gone!”
- Agile Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence in Action
- The Agile Data Warehouse
- How I learned to love Agile ERP and why you should too
- Agile DW/BI Testing – Just Get Started!
- Agile Analytics: A Value-Driven Approach to Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing – Ken Collier
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