(Presented as an accompanying case study to Part 4 in the Scrum Alone is Not Enough series.) In the previous post, we discussed how it’s not enough to practice Scrum at the Team level and expect that it will solve all problems. Senior Management has to get involved for real Agile change to happen and […]
It’s not Scrum if…
A lighthearted look at what can go wrong when Scrum is misapplied. Without spirit, passion, and engagement, things go sideways.
Learning Story Mapping Through Exercises
Story Mapping is a tool to help Scrum teams visualize Product Backlog and User Needs. With Story Mapping, teams organize Stories and plan Sprints accordingly.
Blind Estimation for Planning Poker
Why is blind estimation for planning poker important in Agile Scrum team planning? Consider this story of how anchoring can influence us.
Story Slicing, How Small is Enough?
Smaller stories tend to get more accurate estimates. This is my guidance for new Scrum teams, and ScrumMasters, trying to decide on Story size.
Good Agendas Make Great Meetings
Think the standard Scrum agendas will help you get value out of the meetings? There is a lot more you can do with agendas to improve Reviews and Retrospectives.