Our ScrumMaster pulls up the CFD for the current release… and notices that the rate at which stories are being selected has slowed down in the past few sprints.
When to stop holding retrospectives?
Are your Scrum developers getting bored of Agile retrospectives? Retrospectives should be interesting, effective, and help the team improve.
Learning Scrum through Games
How to introduce the basic concepts of Scrum in 60 minutes? I invited teams to create Children’s Books of the Goldilocks story.
Scrum by Example – More Interruptions
The story of an Agile/Scrum Team and the problems they run into. In this episode the ScrumMaster spots the number of interruptions from outside the team…
Scrum By Example – The Story of Production Support
The story of an Agile/Scrum Team and the problems they run into once their sites go live. Analysis includes different approaches to solving lost productivity.
Books for newly minted Scrum Masters
Ready to start exploring some issues in Scrum that we didn’t have time to cover? This mind map highlights 29 books that you may find interesting.
Scrum is Simple and Incomplete
I’ve heard several references recently to the Scrum Canon. I went searching and I’ve not been able to find it. Is it one Ken (et al.) three books? Ken and Jeff’s most recent Scrum Guide? Does it include the ideas that Mike documented in Agile Planning and Estimation? … Is what the majority of CST’s […]
Daily Stand-up Variations
When trying to instil a new habit with a team I often find it useful to add a new question (or two) to the daily standup. Make spotting issues a daily habit!